Therapy and Counselling concerning Relationships, Love, and Separation. For Individuals, Couples, or more People.
Fighting for love? Well... yes and no! How far should one go? What qualifies for a healthy relationship in your world? Often people (whether alone or in couples) tend to come late to couples counselling when unwanted patterns have already swept them off solid grounds. However, the sooner you work constructively on your relationship, the happier the partnership. Sometimes just one conversation is enough to open up new perspectives.
Some of the topics might be:
«...that it's better to wait for a suitable partner than to rely on a semi-suitable partner to all of a sudden become a suitable one.» From the book «Trennt euch! Ein Essay über inkompatible Beziehungen und deren wohlverdientes Ende [Break up! An essay about incompatible relationships and their well-deserved ending]» by Thomas Meyer (Salis, 2017).
Wheter you are in the middle of a break-up, thinking about breaking up, already broke up or someone did so with you: Psychological counselling/therapy can help with decisions, finding clarity and soothing the pain (at least a little). You don't have to suffer forever.
Some of the topics might be:
Listen to Vanessa in the Podcast "Partnerschaft &ZUFRIEDENHEIT" by Vision Netzwerk [in German]:
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Solothurnerstrasse 94
4053 Basel
Vanessa Brun
+41 78 829 05 06
Linda Knellwolf
+41 76 700 74 66
Diana Welte
+41 76 545 54 49
Alexis Magni
+41 78 245 11 39
Patrick Riegger
+41 78 244 94 89
Jael Werder
+41 78 324 49 41
We also speak English!
Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel, UPK (24h):
+41 61 325 51 00
Akutambulanz der UPK
Kornhausgasse 7, 4051 Basel; Mo-Fr, 8-16 Uhr
Kriseninterventionsstation (KIS) der UPK
Wilhelm Klein-Strasse 27, 4002 Basel
Psychiatrie Basel Land, PBL (24h):
+41 61 553 56 56